First Baptist Church Of Rockledge


About Us

Coming soon.


I believe in God, the Father Who is the Creator and Sovereign Lord of the Universe.

I believe in Jesus Christ, His Son, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, lived a perfect and sinless life, performed miracles and taught the Father's love, was rejected by man, and killed on a cross for the sacrificial forgiveness of sin,rose from the dead to give us life abundant and eternal, and ascended to heaven.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, Who comforts us, convicts of sin, interprets Holy Scripture, and draws us to the Father.

I believe Jesus will physically come to earth to receive unto Himself those who believe in Him, and return to heaven to live and reign for eternity.

Core Values

1. Honoring God through authentic and accurate worship.
2. Loving other Believers.
3. Becoming more like Christ.
4. Involving every member in ministry.
5. Telling others about Christ.

Photo Gallery

First Baptist Church

Of Rockledge

Our Location
1810 Cedar St
Rockledge, FL 32955

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