What a wonderful time to get together and celebrate fellowship!! We do this every First Thursday of the Month. Check our Events page for the latest and greatest!
What a wonderful time to get together and celebrate fellowship!! We do this every First Thursday of the Month. Check our Events page for the latest and greatest!
Please come and enjoy their beautiful songs and praises during our regular Sunday Service on January 22 at 11:00. Luncheon immediately following No Admission Donations appreciated!
Work on the parking lot is scheduled for Monday, January 9 Come check out the progress!! We may need to park in the field temporarily.
Thank you all for making this a successful event and for making 41 children blessed! And a VERY EXTRA THANK YOU to Miss Luzi for her dedication, coordination and passion for this project!!!
What a great time and a great turnout. Thank you to all the volunteers who made approximately 80-100 community guests very welcome!
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