First Baptist Church Of Rockledge

Upcoming Events

January 26 - Coming to FBCR - ANTHEM EDITION

Formerly the Old Paths Quartet, Anthem Edition will be returning to First Baptist Church of Rockledge to bless us with their  amazing voices, music and testimonies!

11:00am for regular Sunday Service followed by Lunch in Fellowship Hall.

Please Join Us!!!


Morning Worship Services

Every Sunday Morning at 11:00 am

Pastor Rodney Walker


Bible Study

Every Sunday Morning at 9:45 am

For Women and Men


Christmas Eve Candelight Service

December 24th at 5:00pm, please join us for a very short but special service to honor and celebrate the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ.


Prayer Meetings

Every Wednesday Evening at 6:00 pm


Men's Ministry Breakfast
Saturday, January 4th at 9:00 a.m. in our Fellowship Hall at the church.

If you are interested in a time of getting to know each other better and growing in your Christian walk, come be a part of us.  We will share in fun and food.


Girlfriends of Grace Ministry Luncheon- Note DAY/DATE

Saturday, January 11th,  10:00am in Fellowship Hall.

Come have Breakfast with the Ladies!  Bring your favorite breakfast item to share...casserole, muffins, tea, juice.  Coffee will be provided.  We will be starting a "Heart to Heart" activity.  Those who want to participate will be choosing names to 'be a friend' to for 6 months.  You may want to send your new 'friend' encouraging notes, small gifts, or plan a day date.  Also please bring your ideas for future get-togethers and/or future locations for luncheons.  For questions call Sheila at 321-698-5129 for details.


Holiday Luncheon on the Grounds

December 15th in Fellowship Hall immediately following Sunday morning 11:00 service.  We'd love for you to join us for both.


Sunday Singalong Service

Sunday, September 29th at 11:00 Followed by Dinner on the Grounds

Come celebrate and worship with us!


Special Guest Speaker Gary Steffes

Sunday, July 28 at 11:00 am

Come hear his powerful testimony and let him tell you how to be as amazing as God intended you to be.


Coming June 30 to our 11:00am service
Legendary Mark Bishop.

Mark Bishop is a Grammy-nominated, Dove Award-winning Christian music artist celebrating a forty-year career in Gospel Music as a touring singer/songwriter.

Free concert at 11:00 followed by lunch served in Fellowship Hall.  All are welcome.


Regular Sunday Services / Join us to honor our Mothers on May 12th 

Childcare/Nursery will not be provided for this service.  Bring your children to celebrate her day!


March 31 - Easter Service @ 11:00am



March 29 - Good Friday Service



March 24 - Coming to FBCR - Down East Boys!!

A mainstay in the Gospel Industry, their name is synonymous with classic quartet harmony and songs that have stood the test of time.... and they are coming to First Baptist Church of Rockledge to bless us with their amazing voices, music and testimonies!

11:00am for regular Sunday Service followed by Lunch in Fellowship Hall.

Please Join Us!!!


January 28 - Coming to FBCR - ANTHEM EDITION

Formerly the Old Paths Quartet, Anthem Edition will be returning to First Baptist Church of Rockledge to bless us with their  amazing voices, music and testimonies!

11:00am for regular Sunday Service followed by Lunch in Fellowship Hall.

Please Join Us!!!


New Year's Eve Service

11:00am for regular Sunday Service


Christmas Eve Services

11:00 am and 5:00 pm Candelight Service


Happy Birthday Jesus!

December 10 after regular service we will adjourn to the Fellowship Hall for our celebration of the birth of Jesus.  Please join us for some warm and wonderful food and fellowship




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First Baptist Church

Of Rockledge

Our Location
1810 Cedar St
Rockledge, FL 32955

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